

Push Platinum

14-32 mm

SYSTEM KAN-therm Push Platinum is a complete plastic installation system, designed for the construction of indoor heating and tap water installations using a reliable, safe and fast assembly technology, consisting of sliding a brass or plastic sleeve on the fitting body. Its main advantage is the installation error-proof connection system not using O-rings.

Reliability achieved with the unique KAN-therm Push & Seal™  solution - self-sealing connection, no additional O-rings in the fitting construction. Fittings are made of CW617N brass or PPSU plastic and can be combined with uniform pipes (KAN-therm Push) and multilayer PE-Xc/Al/PE-HD Platinum pipes.


Durable multilayer pipes

In the offer of System KAN-therm Push Platinum, multilayer PE-Xc/Al/PE-HD Platinum pipes are used with an aluminium insert, where the base pipe is made of polyethylene cross-linked with an electron beam - PE-Xc.

Two fitting types

In the offer of System KAN-therm Push Platinum two fitting materials are available - CW617N brass and polyphenylsulfone (PPSU).

The construction material of the sliding sleeves is polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF).

Advantages of System KAN-therm Push Platinum:

  • durable PE-Xc/Al/PE-HD pipe with an aluminium insert
  • reliability
  • durability
  • resistance to corrosion
  • application versatility
  • possibility of covering connections in building partitions
  • quick, easy, and comfortable assembly even in places difficult to reach
  • resistance to installation errors
  • reduction of pressure loss
  • no additional sealing
  • compatible with other KAN-therm systems
  • wide range of elements

Optimised hydraulics

SYSTEM KAN-therm Push Platinum, for connecting individual components uses the sliding sleeve technology. This installation technology uses the process of expanding the pipe end (local expansion of the diameter), among other things.

As a result, the constriction of the inside diameter of the pipe is reduced at the connection point between the pipe and the fitting, which reduces the local pressure loss of the complete installation.

Wide range of assembly tools

SYSTEM KAN-therm Push Platinum means also a wide range of modern, professional tools used to make connections. The tools are available as sets or individual parts:

  • easy to use sets of battery-powered tools of the renowned European brand Novopress
  • durable sets of pedal-operated hydraulic devices designed by KAN-therm
  • reliable and handy sets of manual chain devices designed by KAN-therm

No O-rings

KAN-therm Push Platinum fittings have specially profiled connectors, thanks to which the construction needs no additional seals. An expanded end is inserted on the connector and then pressed to the surface of the fitting with a sliding PVDF sleeve. The pipe is clamped circumferentially on the coupling stub in the entire contact plane. Such a connection allows for conducting the installation in structural partitions (in flooring finishing coats and under layers of plaster) without any limitations.

Connections without O-rings have been working seamlessly in projects for over 30 years now - it is one of the safest and most reliable technologies for installing plastic pipes.

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